オーガニック系日用雑貨を扱うスタートアップ”Grove Collaborative”が急成長中って記事がTech Crunchに掲載されていたので紹介。
Grove Collaborativeの特徴はオーガニックな製品ラインナップと定期購入の仕組み。
Tech Crunchの記事でハック系英語を身に着ける
Grove Collaborative, a four-year-old, San Francisco-based startup that sells household, personal care, baby, children’s and pet products, has been busy raising money in 2018, shows twonew SEC filings that lists representatives from the company’s earlier investors, including Mayfield, Norwest Venture Partners and MHS Capital, as well as apparent new investor General Atlantic, represented by partner Catherine Beaudoin.
サンフランシスコに拠点をおく4年目のスタートアップ企業であるGrove Collaorative(以下GC) ~日用雑貨、ボディケア用品、子ども用品やペット用品を販売する ~ は2018年資金調達に忙しく、2つのSECファイリングでは、Mayfield、Norwest Venture Partners、NHS Capitalを含む初期からの出資者だけでなく、新しくCatherine BeadudioiによるGenral Atlanticも名を連らねた。
・raise money:資金調達をする
One of the filings shows that Grove Collaborative, which had already raised roughly $62 million as of the start of 2018, subsequently raised $27.4 million more this year. A separate, second filing shows another $76.4 million has been secured in what looks to be a newer round that’s targeting $125 million. It’s a lot of money for such a young company, which suggests it has found traction with a growing customer base.
We’ve reached out to Grove Collaborative and are waiting to learn more.
As we reported back in January, co-founder Stuart Landesberg started the company after working with retail brands during two years as an associate with TPG Capital, which focuses on growth equity and middle-market private equity transactions. With shelf space limited for brands in brick-and-mortar stores, he saw an opportunity for a startup that prompts consumers to buy the kinds of items they buy over and over again just as they are running out of them: think dish soap, pet food, deodorant, vitamins and sunscreen.
1月にレポートした通り、GCの共同設立者であるStuart Landesberg氏は2年間、TPG Capitalという成長株や中規模マーケットの未公開株にフォーカスしたファンドの出資のもの、小売ブランドを展開していた。そのころ、実店舗で限られた在庫スペースでやりくりする中で、彼はスタートアップのアイディアにチャンスを見出す。食器用洗剤、ペットフード、デオドラント、ビタミン剤や日焼け止めなど、無くなる度に何度も買わないといけないものを購入して貰おうというものだ。
・private equity:未公開株
・brick and mortar stores:実店舗。オンラインショップとの対比として使われる言葉
Amazon, of course, similarly prompts its customers to buy such items, but Grove Collaborative is marketing to a slightly narrower demographic, that of people who want only all-natural products. In fact, along with the brands that it make it easier for its customers to find — think Method and Mrs. Meyers — the company began selling its own all-natural products this year. Among the many dozens of offerings it now retails under the Grove Collaborative label: a coconut body lotion, a foaming hand soap, coffee filters, soy candles and lip balm.
アマゾンももちろん同様にこういった日用品をユーザーに提供しますが、GCはより狭いターゲット層に向けたマーケティングを展開している。実際、ユーザーに認知されやすいブランド - MethodやMrs.Meyersなど -に加えて、GCは自社ブランドのオーガニック製品の販売を今年開始した。数ある商品の中で、Grove Collaborativeのブランド名で売られているものとしてはココナッツ・ボディーローション、泡ハンドソープ、コーヒーフィルター、ソイキャンドルやリップクリームなどがある。
The move puts the startup in more direct competition with other e-commerce companies, like the consumer goods company Honest Company, which similarly sells natural products for the home and personal care, though many of its products are now sold on shelves in big retail stores like Target.
この動きはGCを他のeコマース企業との競争を激化させる。例えば、Honest Companyといった企業は同じように天然由来の日用品やケア用品を展開しているが、彼らの製品の大半はターゲットのような大型小売店の棚に並んでいる。
Grove Collaborative also looks to be competing more directly now with well-funded Brandless, which raised $240 million from SoftBank’s Vision Fund in summer at a valuation of slightly more than $500 million. Brandless also sells its own all-natural household and personal care products, though, unlike Grove Collaborative, it also focuses on food and, unlike Grove, it offers a subscription service, yet does not revolve around one. Grove is exclusively selling an auto-shipment service.
それよりも、GCはSoftBank’s Vision Fundより2億4000万ドル(約260億円)を調達し、時価総額5億ドル(約550億円)とされるBrandlessとより激しい競争にさらされるだろう。 Brandlessもやはり天然由来の日用雑貨を販売しているが、GCとは異なり、食品に特化している事やサブスクリプションサービスを展開している。一方GCは自動配送サービスを展開しているといった点で異なる。
Grove had previously raised two separate rounds of funding in quick succession: a $15 million Series B round it closed in March of 2017, following by a $35 million Series C round it announced in January of this year.
Given that Landesberg was formerly an investor himself, he may well have realized — as have many founders — that raising money next year may be far harder in 2019 than it has been this year.